Monday, August 23, 2010

its over...

somebody hacked into my blogger account yesterday. thankfully i got it back, but im going to make a new blogger and make everything different. ill post the links of my new blogs later, so all followers please follow the others :]

Sunday, August 22, 2010


heeey gals.
it's been a while hay, havent been posting much :(
im just gonna give you a quick update on some stuff thats been happenin,
but hopefully i'll have a bigger post up by today/tomorrow arvo.

TODAY: I went shopping to "The Hills" (It's actually called **** hills but i'd rather not have some stalkers :P) with my mum. I bought my graduation dress, (Grad in a couple of months, yipeeee) some boxer undies, concealer and some lipgloss. (Pictures might be up later)
I havent really done much this week, but i havent been on blogger because my friend recently introduced me to tumblr. i will still go on blogger, but also check out my tumblr and follow :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


heeeeey. Guys, (THANKS TO ALL THE 6 FOLLOWERS :) can you do me a favour? If you havent already, please follow my blog for meee? It's really important to me and my friend Terri to get followers and commentors, it means the world.
It is a blog all about gossip. We have categories such as Fashion, Music, Celebrities, Reviews and a section called BLOGROLL. Please visit the blog and take a look!

Monday, August 16, 2010

i've been thinking!

I was thinking last night, at about 2am, about a new blog. I need your help! Send in your ideas in a comment, and your suggestions of what it should look like, title, pictures, headers, blah blah blah. HELP ME!

P.S Sorry for not posting a lot lately, I've had a really busy school week, and all this week is exams ect.
P.P.S I just noticed that alot of my post titles end in dot dot dot. Thats a bad habit :[

Sunday, August 15, 2010

the act of laziness...

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock vibrating off. It was a nice day outside my window, even though there was cold air circling the dim room. The clock read 6:55am, which was a late start. I'm usually up by 5:30, but it is Sunday, and i needed a good sleep for a change. I reached for my book, switched on the lamp and read my latest library purchase, a mystery. The clock read 7:15. I jumped out of the warm heated bed, threw on the clothes that were on the floor and got down stairs. I greeted my dog and my Nana, but waited for my mum to get up. Then my nana went to a judging session, my parents to the shops and here i am, at 11:00 still on my dads laptop with my grandad across from me on his toshiba laptop. Fancy morning huh?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

sweet ramblings...

Wow it's been a while since I last posted! I guess Imma Busy Bee, just like the Black Eyed Peas told me. Anyway, I guess you'll wanna know whats been happening, so are you ready for a ramble?

On Tuesday, I went to get my haircut. They cancelled and told me they were too busy and lazy to fit me in there schedule, although my name was WRITTEN DOWN IN BLACK AND WHITE. So I was moved to Thursday.

Wednesday was a public holiday, so I went for a sleepover on Tuesday night to my friends house. We make hacky sacks out of balloons and rice, then blue pancakes for breakfast.

Finally on Thursday I got my hair cut, and after the long wait from Tuesday, it was great. Shorter hair (about 2 inches off) and a PERFECTINO side-fringe.

I had league-tag trainging on Friday. We S-U-C-K but at least it was fun.

Not much of an exciting week, but yeah, you got it!
Lots of sweet ramblings,

Monday, August 9, 2010

online shopping

I'm a huge sucker for online shopping. Although I never actually BUY anything, I just look around for hours, print-screening and recording everything. I guess it's a bit of a hobby. Well anyway, I looked up some international stores, starting with Forever21. The best buys on sale, all under $10:

Okay, I'll admit, TopShop wasnt as good as Forever21, everything on sale was like HIGHER than $10, but I did my best... like the bargain-hunter I am.

Well thats all the shopping (FAKE) I got round to tonight Maybe next week, I'll check out some Aussie stores...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

justin beaver

question: what's in the job?

Not long ago, an anonymous question popped up into my inbox. The question was, “Is blogging like a job, and what your routine is?” I was confused, who would want to know this? But then I figured, after a couple of days, that they wanted an answer. So, lets just give anonymous there answer in a post.
The first thing I ever do when I log onto a computer is check my emails. Emails are an important part to anything on the internet, and most websites and things you go on require one. I scroll through the old and the new, taking peeks and answering drafts just quickly, not replying to any. I never reply to emails in the morning, it is always the last thing I do.

After that, I scroll through my to-do list. No matter how much snippets I take and try to shorten things, it always gets fuller and fuller by the minute. I can’t keep it under control! It always has the upcoming blogger events, daily rituals and important notices.

Then (the bit you’re all anticipating) I log into my account of blogger. I check the ‘New Posts’ list, and visit all the blogs I’m following. Then I’ll open up each of my blogs in a new window, and check on everything. This part is the most job-worthy part of blogging, checking up to see if everything is perfect on your blogs, and changing anything that needs to be updating. This morning I spent half an hour on multiple websites, looking for the perfect background for my new blog, The Fashion Guru. I like all my blogs to be great and precise, and get the most views possible.

After checking on everything on each of my blogs, I’ll start posting. I usually brainstorm ideas in word first, then go out and take the pictures (if needed) THEN write and publish. The truth is, a little part of me always says NO to some posts, but the bigger part publishes.
Finally, at the end of the day, I respond to any messages, comments and blog posts. Despite everything else, this is one of the things that HAVE to be done. But, no matter how well everything goes, there is always a problem, which tomorrow will fix.

Well I guess you know now what my day on the computer is like, and how blogger entails a job. Remember, I’m not ALWAYS on the computer, only for maximum 2 hours a day. I have other things in life to work on.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

baked goods

Made some Honey Joys. They turned out all golden and crispy, delicous. There easy to make and sooo tasty :] Just Melt sugar, honey, butter and the cornflakes in a pan, place into patty cases and bake in a 150C oven for 10 minutes. Leave to cool for a bit, and eat!
I made them after we went out for the ingredients. They took about half an hour for both batches. The first batch turned out a bit yellow-y so I made them in mini-trays (second picture) and then the second batch was great and golden, which turned into lovely big joys.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

lauren conrad quotes

You know like dog whistles, like only a dog can hear them? That’s how I am with my blackberry, like no one will hear it and I’m like ‘My phone’s ringing.’”

Boys are like purses. You're always gonna have that one boy that you're always comfortable with and you know you'll always kind of like. That's your purse that you wear everywhere. Then you have that gorgeous bag that you want everyone to see you with but the gorgeous bag is usually an asshole or costs a lot of money. Then you have those other purses that you really like but you really don't want to be seen with.

I make fun of guys when I like them. I do it as a test to see if they can laugh at themselves.
- Lauren Conrad

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

shakira waka waka :]

Everybody's probably already seen the world cup and heard all about it, but have you heard the lead-up song by Shakira? It's called Waka Waka (This time for Africa) and it is mainly a spanish song. The thing I dont  get about it is that it's for Africa and at the end of the song she says 'Were all African' yet shes spanish and alot of the song is in spanish.

Take a look at it. The belly dancing and singing is really good.

i've been shopping...

Yes I have hehee! It was a tiresome expererience, but I got a couple of bargains out of it.

^^ Black Vest ($3.50) and Layered top (Gray top and black singlet together, $12.00)

^^ Butter menthols (For my cold, sore throat and sickness) and Art Pad

I was also lucky to visit the library, getting a couple of great novels.

What a great day to have when your sick :]


i got the day off :] Aren't I bad! Haha. Well I'm going shopping in a few minutes, if I buy anything or see anything I'll snap-shot it and post about it :] Catcha later!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

lets talk...

wow. Haven't been on for a while have I? Well the computer is never vacant, and i'm snagging my fathers atm. Me and My friend have just created a new blog, all about gossip.

I've been really busy writing a story lately. I'ts called Fly Free and it is about a girl called Cassie who is moved to a boarding school in New York. She meets all these new friends, is the IT girl and everything is right. The point of the title is for Cassie to 'spread her wings socially' and fly. At the end there is going to be a problem. A new girl comes and then everything goes wrong. She was at the school a few years ago and was exactly like Cassie, so she thinks Cassie has 'stolen' her school, stolen her identity and her friends.
I'm thinking about having a second book to the story, if I can make the story successful and really long. I usually never finish a proper story, I just quickly change something and make it into a short story, or just delete it in a second.

I'll write more tomorrow maybe :)